Analysis of Business and Financial Records and Case Strategy
As well-educated and highly experienced practitioners, we’ve contributed to the successful resolutions of a variety of cases as both forensic accountants and strategic advisors. Our forensic accounting responsibilities have included the analysis of a broad range of business and financial documentation, for cases including probate litigation, the contesting of wills, employment taxes, contract disputes, tax shelter fraud, shareholder disputes, business valuation and, of course, US Tax Court appearances. This latter case type might involve assisting client and attorney with IRS practice and procedure, tax reporting and tax planning; this could include organizing records for audits, appeals and investigations, as well as IRS failure-to-file cases and income reconstruction cases.
Additionally, we can prepare lay interpretations of complicated financial scenarios as well as visual aids that more simply explain complex accounting matters.
As far as informing case strategy, our breadth and depth of experience in handling various business structures in different industries can bring a great deal of unique insights from which you might benefit. We can play as active a role as your unique case demands to improve your chances of a positive outcome.
Right Approach
We know you need to feel confident about your legal team—including all supporting players—and your case strategy in order to get through this worrisome ordeal. While we’re performing in our role, we believe in providing moral support as well, and mitigating the effect the situation has on you. We’re always available to talk, and we’ll even come to you so you can devote as much time to business as usual.
Workable Outcomes
The Schneider team can provide tremendous support to your case because of our years in the business as well as our dual financial and legal qualifications. Having supported hundreds of clients through all case types, we find we always have a point of reference in handling new cases, no matter their complexity. Working with an accomplished CPA firm who knows the territory quite well works to your advantage.